Friday, April 8, 2011


my heart is free. there are no chains on me.
we hear the sound of revival coming.

so i got a tattoo in january that says unchained. it was to indicate that my heart is free and i am not chained to anything, but rather free in Jesus. i have noticed though...i'm still pretty chained. i was hanging with a very good friend last night when i realized how chained i really am, but how deeply i desire to be free.

it's like i can see freedom on the horizon. i dance most days towards that horizon, but occasionally i trip and fall. my chains get too heavy to carry. so i just lay there. the inertia almost seems to great. i'm chained. locked into all that Jesus wants to free me from.

what is it about one day over another? one day i'm dancing in freedom and then next i'm a slave to people.

but the beautiful and most challenging part of all this is that i can choose my freedom. there are 27 million people who are slaves that can't get free. i fight for their freedom. i pray for their freedom. but i remain chained. it's beautiful that in Jesus we get freedom. even as i write, i feel a cry rising up inside me screaming for my own freedom. today i choose to be free. Thank You Lord for that gift. In Your power, bring it to those 27 million people enslaved around the world because of human trafficking.

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