Monday, June 6, 2011

preaching can equal change

I spoke 2 weekends ago (maybe 3) at the Barn Vineyard to their youth group.

I didn't think it went particularly well, but not poorly either. I preached about how students could 'rock on' with the abundant life that we are supposed to be living as Christians.

In the last couple of weeks, two teens messaged me and the youth pastor contacted me. All of them contacted me with stories about how they (or his students) are living the abundant life that Jesus came to bring us by doing two practical things that I talked about 1) forgiving others and 2) not gossiping.

I don't think I've ever seen the impact of my sharing before, but I went to visit this group last night and they are changed. One kid worked with God to have the root of bitterness removed from his heart and he even LOOKS different. He was smiling last night...maybe even beaming. There was a little more wholeness in the group. It was awesome.

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